Sunday, May 12, 2019

Early Warning Signs of a Bad Client

Homely Design Studios on Signs That You Could be Designing for the Wrong Type of Client

Welcome to the unofficial Homely Design Studios blog. Today, we share things a client may say that are common signals of more trouble to come once the project is yours. If you hear any of these red flags, it certainly doesn't mean you should automatically end the relationship. It simply means that you should exercise caution. Use your judgment and look at the situation as a whole before making a decision.

Nightmare interior design clients can be a fact of life for some of us (We’ve all been there)

These people are everywhere but just because they may be a nightmare for you doesn't mean they won't be a dream client for someone else.

If you’re an interior designer like me, you spend most of your days focused on your clients: thinking about what they would want, anticipating their reactions, and talking to them directly. In fact, the job requires so much one-on-one communication and is so personal that choosing the wrong type of person to work for can become a big problem for the business.

If you hear any of these red flags, use your judgment and look at the situation as a whole before making a decision.

  • If you have bad chemistry after the first meeting, don’t ignore your gut feeling. If you don’t click personality wise, the process will be stressful from start to finish.
  • Watch out for the potential clients who are only looking for a bargain.

  • Watch out for the flakey! Postponing meetings or showing up late is completely unacceptable. Your time is precious. 
  •  If a potential client heavily questions your rates, look out.

  • Slow or unresponsiveness with communication is dangerous.
  • If a potential client seems overly conservative or unrealistic about budget and timelines, you will never be able to meet their outlandish expectations.

  • If a potential client shows hesitation in paying for the initial consultation, that’s a clear indicator that there will be a trouble throughout the project.
  • A complete lack of trust after the first few meetings and the need for constant reassurance about the process caused unnecessary anxiety which can lead to a lack of creativity and motivation.

  • If the potential client mentions they’ve been through multiple designers (plural), that’s a bad sign and they’re probably a pain to deal with.

Has this ever happened to you? Let me know on the comment section below.

Bring your vision to life with Homely Design Studios because you deserve a home that is functional and stylish, today. See services Homely Design Studios currently offer here. Show your support online by following the official Homely Design Studios Instagram page here. Read the Homely Design Studios  blog here to get design inspiration and custom solutions to spice up or refresh a room here.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Jesus! Ive been with alot of terrible clients myself and gladly Ive survived!
